Monday, November 29, 2010

I'mmmm back!

Yes... it has been almost a year since I have posted here! Blame it on facebook, is all I can say. Everyone is a year older... taller and smarter (hopefully).

Thanksgiving 2010 was memorable in that we spent the day with family in Muskegon. Wonderful company, food, and comfort; everything Thanksgiving is meant to be.

I hope to keep the blog more current... I figured out a way to link the blog with facebook so I am able to do both and keep everyone in the loop! Hope it works!

So, it's Monday night... kids are in bed; Christmas decorations are all hung; dishes all loaded in the dishwasher; and even the dog is asleep already.

I hope your Thanksgiving holiday was spent with famly and friends and put a smile on your face, gave you a nice full belly, and some memories to cherish.

How many shopping days are left till Christmas?

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